Taiga is love
Can’t stop listening…so…addicting…why can’t I stop listening…The voices just don’t ever stop. Curse you Minorin and your utterly moe randomness.

On a side note; the girl ‘singing’ is Minorin from the new series Toradora, which I dare say is the greatest Tsundere Harem I have ever seen. Much hysterical laughter ensued. Stay tuned for my upcoming review of Toradora.

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  • Halconnen

    Indeed. This is awesome. Seen it days ago on YouTube more or less by chance.

    Minorin is awesome. XD

  • domain registration India

    video is very nice. I like Toradora but I am not a child. Minorin is excellent. This is like a film. You done a good job.

  • şişme bebek

    Video güzelmiş :D

  • şişme bebek

    Fena videolar var he :S

  • göğüs büyütücü

    hangi kanallar bunlar

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