Sui Generis – First two album released as Creative Commons, third on the way!


Those that have read the “Whos’ Stephen?” page would know that apart from blogging about anime and video games, I also like to write electronic music. Well, today my first two albums, withStyle and CheCheChe, are being released under the Creative Commons license! Feel free to send the mp3s to anyone you like (or even don’t like?) or use them in YouTube videos or whatever else you might want to use them for. It’s all good, so long as it’s not commercial. If you want to use any of this music commercially let me know, and we can probably work something out. My third album is also nearing completion and will be released here under a Creative Commons license when it’s ready.



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  • Johndoe

    Don’t let your dreams die!!!

  • Bo McCoy

    The Creative Commons movement is awesome. we interviewed Brad from on my podcast and talked about all the ins and outs of cc music. I’m glad to see it grow. great post and good luck!

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