Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

Casshern – Live Action Anime never felt so right.

Casshern at last comes to North America on October 16th! That’s tomorrow! If you watch one movie this year-heck, this decade-make it this. From the cinematography to the drama to the action this movie is leaps and bounds beyond anything in it’s realm. Some of the more hardcore anime fans out there may think the name sounds familiar; this is actually a remake of the hit 1973 anime Shinzo Ningen Casshân! Plus the theme song is done by Utada Hikaru…honestly, how could you possibly go wrong with her writing the theme song? Think of it as The Matrix if it was a billion times more awesome. That’s one heck of a lot of awesome.

Save Totoro’s Forest! – Miyazaki’s inspiration.

Famed Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki has raised 73 million yen (US$620,000) to preserve a small forest local residents call Totoro’s Forest. 25 million yen (US$210,000) of the 73 million yen total came from donations from the general public! This enormous sum has been presented to the city of Higashimurayama in hopes that the historical patch of trees can remain for future generations to enjoy.

Grave Of The Fireflies makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry.

Grave Of The Fireflies is a movie written and directed by Isao Takahata, with the help of Studio Ghibli’s animators. But don’t let the Ghibli association fool you; this ain’t no cheery Ghibli flick. This is World War II in Japan–this is hell on earth. This is the bitter tale of the relationship between two orphaned children, Seita and his younger sister Setsuko. The children lose their mother in the firebombing of Kobe, and their father in service to the Imperial Japanese Navy, and as a result they are forced to try to survive amidst widespread famine and the callous indifference of their countrymen. Even their relatives shrug them off, leaving them to fend for themselves.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is fantastic.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is an artfully crafted piece of recent Anime history. The story is a well-written web of events based on the idea that the main character gains the ability to jump through time, so she tries to use this ability to make the world “better”. Throughout the events she changes she learns that when something is better for one person it’s usually worse for another. Time is not something to be messed with, even if on very minor levels.

Bruce Campbell – You better know who he is.

Bruce Campbell is a B-Movie King. His unique style has brought joy to millions of dedicated fans. His blunt and witty comedy has made just about everything he’s acted in become instant comedy gold. Most likely you have heard of him through his massive cult-hit series; Evil Dead. Who hasn’t seen Army Of Darkness? If you haven’t, you must watch it right now! Your internet overlord (me) commands it!

Golden Age Collectables – Otaku Paradise

In the heart of downtown Vancouver, right on Granville St. you can find the Nerd Nirvana known as Golden Age Collectables. These guys carry more manga, anime, graphics novels and figures than you’d ever care to know existed. When I was in Vancouver on business recently I picked up a copy of NextWave here and blogged about how awesome it is. This place is jam-packed full of awesomeness of such magnitude as NextWave. They also had probably everything Neil Gaiman has ever written, including more obscure stuff like the edition of Sandman with art from Yoshitaka Amano. For those that don’t know; Mr. Amano was the concept artist for all the Final Fantasy games up until X. His brilliant artistry and unique style is well known in Otakudom.

Serenity – Better than Star Wars?

Step aside Star Wars, sci-fi has a new King. This epic masterpiece from acclaimed television director, Joss Whedon, is brimming with style and attitude. A six-gun western attitude in a futuristic dystopia make this movie finale to the unfortunately failed TV show, Firefly, an extremely enjoyable adventure into rogue space. Firefly could’ve breathed some life back into the presently stagnant science fiction genre, but the show was cut before it even got a chance to build a fan base. Fox apparently felt that repeats of Star Trek were more important.

John Woo Knows how to make a video game.

Stranglehold is John Woo’s video game sequel to his cult-hit action movie, Hard-Boiled. The game just reeks of epic John Woo project–if this game doesn’t put up a strong fight with Bioshock for game-of-the-year I will be beyond shocked. Every thing about this game is truly deserving of being called next-gen. Inspector Tequila is most certainly the most awesome action game lead in years. He has so much style and personality to him. After a cop goes missing he goes to track him down only to find out he’s already dead. The investigation turns into an all out war between crime syndicates and Tequila is stuck right in the middle with only one thing on his mind; revenge. Somebody has got his old girlfriend captive–he’s going to get her back and nothing is going to stop him.

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