Posts Tagged ‘Plaid’

Tekkonkinkreet – A fresh new experience in anime.

Back to posting at last! I’m going to cover a bunch of great stuff that I’ve seen in my absence, so I have a bit of catching up to do, but I think you’ll appreciate the great shows I watched and fun games I played amidst my disappearance. >.>

First up is Tekkonkinkreet. From the same people that brought us The Animatrix (oddly enough), Studio 4°C brings us this new animated wonder. It’s unique style and tremendously detailed animation net this movie countless awards, and it certainly deserves them. Following the lives of the two orphans Kuro and Shiro, or Black and White in Eglish, the story dips in and out of the underlying corruption of Treasure Town; a bustling city puppeteered by Yakuza.

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