Archive for September 30th, 2007

NextWave – Agents Of H.A.T.E.

I apologize for the lack of updates the last few days, I had business out of town and was too busy to get anything new on the site. I’m back now though, and with lots of cool things to talk about. I had went to a business conference type thing in Vancouver so, while I was there, I stopped by Golden Age Collectibles on Granville St. to peruse their impressive collection of nerd swag when I stumbled upon a copy of NextWave. I had -coughpiratedcough- a copy of this off the internet awhile back and very much enjoyed it, but it’s so hard to find things like these, so I never managed to actually buy a copy. But when I saw it sitting on that shelf there it emanated a holy grail-esque aura that I just couldn’t help but be entranced by–though my credit card balance would disagree at this point. I bought it and decided I would talk about it on here for anyone that might care to know about it.

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