The view from the Comicon floor is spectacular indeed.

I’ve got a treat for you readers today! A friend of mine was lucky enough to attend the last Comicon in San Diego and she was nice enough to write a little summary of it to post on the site. I’m green with envy–the pictures make me really wish I could’ve been there. Maybe I’ll have the time and the money when the next one comes around. I certainly plan on trying to get into TGS as soon as finances permit. Major conventions like that are a goldmine of cool stuff no one knows about yet.

Without further ado, here is what Jada had to say about her experience this years Comicon;

An otaku-tastic experience!

To say the least, my first convention experience has left me with nothing but fond memories and a life long passion.

The first night was Preview Night, which basically gives you time to get your bearings and understanding of the massive building layout as well as spend tons of money in the exhibition hall. The exhibition hall was a world all on its own; filled with almost everything I could think of to satisfy my fan girl desires.

The next four days of the convention were completely action packed and exhilarating, and it all depends on how you plan them to be.

For my trip, there were several points of extreme interest in the 2007 convention. A slight few examples include:

-Milla Jovovich appearing in person for the Resident Evil: Extinction panel.

-Avatar the Last Airbender panel with Bryan Konietzko and Dee Bradley Baker appearing in person.

-The Square Enix merchandise stand. (It was massive.)

-The Artists’ Alley where you could find many of your personal favorite artists and get a one-of-a-kind sketch that will leave friends jealous forever more.

A few might complain that the lineups are out of hand, but this too I found to be an adrenaline high all on its own. With conversational skills you can easily find that the majority of the people in line with you are potentially best friends with identical or at the least, very similar interests.

Another high point of the convention was the mass amounts of cosplay(good and bad) everywhere you turned. I found myself hauling loads of pictures back to my laptop at the end of each day.

I am very much anticipating the 2008 convention and plan to try my best and go every year. All together it was absolutely thrilling and my only advice still stands as, “pack light and bring many suitcases!”

She sent along a few pictures to include with the post that I’ve got here for you. I love the Lego Batman and the Darth Vader helmet contest.

Welcome to Comicon, please remember to bring spare underwear.






















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  • sinister

    Ahh Comic Con… I want to be there again, It was also my first experience in a convention. I’m waiting for 2008 Convention. You can see some of my photos in this page:

  • Stephen Belanger

    Awesome pics, sinister! I hope I can go next year. I want to go to the Tokyo Game Show too though…wll I be able to afford both? That is the question! >.<

  • Naruto

    I wanted to comment and thank the author, good stuff

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