House Rulez – Catchy Korean Funk/House Pop


I found a folder entitled “Star House City” sitting on an FTP server the other day and decided to download it just because the name sounded interesting. Turns out that was a good idea. Star House City is the newest album from Korean House Superstars; House Rulez.

The whole album is just fantastic and I had to have every MP3 I could find of theirs. It’s been really hard trying to find stuff from their previous album…I found 10 of the 15 tracks and all of them are labelled wrong, so I can’t even tell what track numbers they are supposed to be. >.>

Check out video for their song “Do It!” below. It’s really catchy, just like all the rest of their songs.

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  • J

    Hi, I just discovered them too and I’m also having trouble finding songs/albums. So i was wondering if you could help me out. J

  • steve

    There songs are at itunes now
    Just type in house rulez on the search bar

  • S

    House Rulez are not that famous in Korea even though they are great
    (i’m Korean)

  • 13

    House rulez are the bomb

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