November Stats – Month #3


It’s Month #3 already! I’ve really got to get more posts happening! I apologize for the relative inactivity lately, I have been very busy, but I promise you I have lots of things to blog about in the coming weeks. I have been finding it somewhat difficult to find things to talk about that I deem truly worthy of actually being blogged about. I like quality over quantity, but I’m wondering what sort of middle ground there is on it. I don’t want to be posting once or twice a month, but I also don’t want to be posting about things that are already fairly known or things that aren’t really that interesting. I think a poll is in order! Anyway, this month was better than last month, but not by much. I have noticed that the visits have stabilized somewhat compared to previous months that were all over the chart. That peak at the end is from my recent post about Revenant Wings, which is rapidly catching up with the all time top posts despite being so recent. It was on the front page of Reddit’s gaming section for an entire day!

Top 5 Posts:

How To: Make Crysis even more freaking amazing!
Revenant Wings – Portable roleplaying done right!
Dark_AleX is back with a custom 3.71 FW!
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep – A glimpse into the futu…err…past.
Moetan is lolitastic.

Top 5 Referers:

Danny Choo
TotalFark – Your guess on why I got referrals from that is as good as mine. :S

Those three traffic spikes, in chronological order are; the back end of the traffic my Crysis post got me, the Dragonaut post and the Revenant Wings post. It looks as if you readers like video games and adventure stuff so I’ll see what neat things I can come up with to blog about this month. Trust me, I’ve already got some neat stuff coming and I’ll do what I can to find more awesome stuff for you readers to discover here. I’m always trying to shorten the gap between my readers and the hidden gems they would appreciate as much as I do. I’ll have some big things to talk about in the coming months, but for now, check out the new post on Sin & Punishment, that game is crack in video game form. It’s so much fun.

What should I do about my level of blogging activity?

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Sin & Punishment – Treasure struck gold with this Virtual Console release.

I was totally blown away by this fantastic game! It’s got style, it’s got game play and it’s got some actual challenge to it. It’s not hard, so much as it makes you actually think about what you are doing. It’s not just a point and shoot action game, you have to think about how you can most effectively stop your enemies form stopping you first. Once you figure out what you need to do, it’s just a matter of doing it, unlike many modern shooters that seem to be more based on luck than actual thought and skill. You feel a much greater sense of accomplishment when you figure out how to beat a boss in this than you do in other games when you finally manage to live long enough to fill the bosses with enough bullets to drop a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It looks like the start of a nice relaxing day, Wait, did I say relaxing? I meant chaotic.

I could play this game for hours on end and completely lose track of the time. It’s just so entertaining. The consistently fast pace in this game keeps it very engaging and exhilarating–but be careful! You just might forget you should have been in bed seven hours ago! :P

Be sure to get yourself well acquanted with these men in blue. You will be killing about one of them per second for the majority of the game.

You start off as a member of a rebel group, fighting their way through wave after wave of well-armed baddies scattered throughout a city in Japan in the post-apocalyptic future. The city is overrun by these strange mutant animals that resulted from an experimental species of animal created specifically as food and raised on the island of Hokkaido. In this post-war future life is peaceful, but as a result; overpopulation has rapidly accelerated and there is a rather immediate need for a more stable and replenish able food source. A group of sceientists genetically engineer a specific creature for the cause, but mutations gradually occur and these new creatures begin hunting their own hunters and eventually escaping the confines of Hokkaido and invading greater Japan. These creatures are referred to as the Ruffians.

Well…you’ll also kill some of these odd winged…things.

Japan was in dire need of some saving at this point and commissioned the Armed Volunteers to save the country, however; they saw it more fitting to oppress the citizens and try to take control for themselves. The last hope of Japan seemed to be lost in the chaos, however; a strange rumor began to surface. A rogue group known as the Savior Group was on the hunt to take out some Ruffians and save the citizens of Japan. What was strange about this rumor was that all the members of the group were said to have been cured of various illnesses via the miraculous power of a mysterious woman known as Achi.

Something about this ship's design made me think of Cowboy Bebop.

The story follows two teenage members of the Savior Group, Saki and Airan, as they battle the Ruffians and try to retake Japan from it’s seemingly hopeless state. They, like many others, received the salvation of Achi and were healed of their illnesses on the condition that they devote themselves to fighting the Ruffians and saving Japan from spiraling into a state of chaos and despair.

Too bad I had to blow up that nostalgia.

The game plays like a standard, arcade style, on-rails shooter, but it is very unique in comparison and has a much more prevalent story progression than most on-rails, arcade shooters. Everything is very anime themed, from the over dramatic story to the colorful and highly stylized graphics. So if you like a good epic scifi anime adventure this game will sure fill the bill.

Oh well, I'm sure I'll feel just as nostalgic about this awesome game soon enough.

Sin & Punishment was a hit Nintendo 64 game in Japan that, for various reasons, never made it to North America. But after an incredible number of requests for it to be included on Nintendo’s Virtual Console it finally made it to the finger tips of millions of Wii owners all across North America. This game was recognized by the game importing community for it’s english voice acting with japanese subtitles, which made it a very popular game to import. Flash forward a few years to the current and now you don’t have to import it! Just turn on your Wii, load up the Shopping Channel and download Sin & Punishment right off the Virtual Console section!

This game was created by legendary game developer, Treasure; a game company known for making some of the biggest cult classic video games, but they’ve laid dormant in recent years. You may know them for Gunstar Heroes or Radiant Silvergun and it’s sequel Ikaruga. They are the creators of many of the most sought after imported games of all time, and now they are back to finally bring their fantastic futuristic adventure, Sin & Punishment, to the western hemisphere!

If you like the good old arcade style rail shooters or epic scifi anime (or even both!) I very highly recommend you give this game a try! It is most certainly worth the mere 1200 Wii Points it costs on the Virtual Console. It is a rather challenging game, but in a way that makes you really want to keep trying to figure out what to do rather than just being frustratingly impossible. Current Gen game developers need to figure out that there is a difference between challenging game play and broken game play. >.>

Why, lookl at the time! You should have been in bed hours ago!

My 360 has returned! Rejoice!

Just now my Xbox 360 arrive in the mail from it’s quick trip to the repair center after my bazillionth RRoD since I bought the thing. >.>

…and by ‘quick’ I mean ‘did Microsoft buy out the Aperture Science labs? Because that was bloody fast compared to last time.’

My 360 has gone to game console heaven and miraculously been revived on it’s death bed more times than I care to recall, but every time the repair took at least a month from sending it initially to receiving the replacement. This time it took just over 2 weeks! I guess it’s back to my hopeless addiction to Eternal Sonata and Bioshock for me. ;)

Revenant Wings – Portable roleplaying done right!


I picked up Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings when it came out and man was I ever surprised by this game! I’ve come to expect pretty much everything with the Final Fantasy name attached to it to be an instant classic, but even so, I still felt some skepticism of a roleplaying game on a handheld. Good handheld RPGs just plain don’t exist–or so I thought until I plugged this little plastic cartridge full of win into my DS.

Now before you start attacking me for making the generalization that all handheld RPGs suck I’ll just say that there have been some pretty good handheld RPGs, but nothing that you could actually call a truly epic RPG, nor that you could call anything more than good. Minish Cap, for example, was fun, but it was by no means as awesome as Twilight Princess or Ocarina Of Time. RPGs just don’t tend to lend themselves to handheld gaming.

Revenant Wings sought to change that, and it succeeded tremendously. Most handheld RPGs are basically time-wasters with a storyline, while Revenant Wings is an epic adventure with a quick and modular gameplay system, so you don’t have to play through hours upon hours of grinding to walk across a single map to the next story segment. The first FFXII was an excellent game, albeit plagued with the never-ending grind gameplay of FFXI.

Revenant Wings basically structures the game into ‘mission’ segments reminiscent of Tactics with it’s victory conditions system. Each map usually starts with an intro event where the characters talk a bit about what is going on, then there is a bunch of enemies to fight against and after that, a victory event where they talk about what they are going to do next.

The dialog is cleverly written to remind you where you left off in the previous mission and providing some depth of what will happen in the current mission. It has a powerful and intriguing story while still maintaining the handheld gaming style of being able to pick up where you left off easily without losing track of what was going on.

The graphics were also very beautiful. the DS isn’t as technologically capable as other handhelds in the graphics department, but many games like this more than make up for it in graphical style. Everything looks so cool and unique in the game and the epic landscapes from the first game certainly were well represented in this one.

The music, as with any Final Fantasy game, was fantastic. But I found the soundtrack to this game had a slightly different and powerful allure to it. It wasn’t just another rehash of the same soundtrack that has been used in every FF since the dawn of time. Much of the music was more radically expanded upon than in the previous games, which was rather refreshing to listen to.

If you have a DS and are a fan of RPGs I very highly recommend giving this game a try. I enjoyed every minute of it. I liked it so much that I made that nice shiny wallpaper for at the top from some of the awesome concept art I found for it on the net.



Dragonaut – One of my favorite shows this season!

I’ve quite enjoyed Dragonaut so far, it nicely filled the hole that was left when Darker Than Black got licensed and thus stopped being fansubbed. The art is very colorful and appealing and the character designs are excellent. Though I found the size of some of the women’s breasts to be a little on the disproportionate side to the point of detracting from the show.

Basically the story involves a boy named Jin who was on a shuttle, piloted by his father, to go into outer space on the first public transport space flight. This all went wrong however, when something came speeding down from outer space, directly through their shuttle in mid-takeoff. Needless to say, there was much chaos that ensued and somehow Jin survived the several mile fall into the ocean and relatively unharmed at that. The crash was blamed on pilot error, but it was in fact the result of an alien life form, they refer to as Dragons, colliding with the spacecraft. There was a big cover up and an organization known as the Dragonauts was formed with the goal of protecting the earth from the planet Thanatos which had crashed into Pluto, destroying it and hurling several dragons to earth. Jin is captured by this organization and asked to join, as he was in fact saved by one of these dragons in the crash that killed the rest of his family aboard the first public transport flight to outer space.

The dragon that saved Jin is a girl that calls herself Toa. She, along with all other dragons seems to be capable of taking the form of a human. The Dragonauts have been pursuing her, thinking that she is dangerous, however; she is actually just like a normal person and seems to develop somewhat of an affection for Jin. The two want to be together, but the Dragonauts want to tear them apart and dangerous circumstances invoked by the Dragonauts make her often have to use her powers to help Jin.

The action in the show is pretty cool and entertaining, but I what I liked most about it was how well they fused and action series with a love story. In all the fight scenes you can really feel that Toa cares about Jin and is trying to protect him, despite the ISDA’s misconceptions.

It’s one of the best shows I’ve seen so far this season, and I’ll be keeping a close eye on it to see how the story unfolds. I like the OP too, it’s sort of DubStep-ish, but very catchy and upbeat too. Overall I think it’s definitely one of the must-see shows of this season.


October Stats – Month #2


Sorry for the late stats, I was busy working on other things and forgot to post it. Month #2, despite being somewhat problematic with all the WordPress glitches I had to iron out, was 3 vists shy of 2,800 and had over 5,000 pageviews!

Top 5 Posts:

How To: Make Crysis even more freaking amazing!
Dark_AleX is back with a custom 3.71 FW!
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep – A glimpse into the futu…err…past.
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai – Don’t watch the sequel first, like me. >.>
Lolifox – The best browser an Otaku could ask for.

Top 5 Referers:

PSP Blender Blog <– Once again the sploggers got me some good traffic. ^_^
Danny Choo

It’s only the second month online and already social bookmarks are playing a huge part in the site. If you think that sharp jump on the last day looks nice wait until you see the start of this coming months stats post! Apparently Crysis is really popular right now–I got on the front page of Reddit’s gaming section at about 10PM on Nov. 11 and my traffic more than doubled in the 2 hours after that. :O

Special Others – Fantastic jazz/improv from Japan!


While surfing about on the Akiba Online forums I stumbled across a really fun band known as Special Others. From the YouTube video of Good Morning I can see that they very much enjoy their music. They write very jazz-inspired and very danceable music. If you are into fun, rhythic music check out the video for Good Morning I have included in this post!


Sir RRoD the Second.


My Xbox 360 has, once again, gone to game console heaven. I’m really starting to think I should just get this all over with and get a PS3. The Xbox 360 has better games presently, but I’m sure they’d be even more fun if I could actually play them instead of staring blankly at the box and cursing Microsoft under my breath. I guess for now I’ll have to survive on Crysis and Wii or PS2 games…actually, that doesn’t sound half bad. Maybe this time Microsoft will take their time and send me a new 360 that’ll actually work for more than half a year. I love my Xbox 360–but seriously, Microsoft; learn to build a less failure-prone game console.

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