Archive for December, 2007

Voices Of A Distant Star – The most emotional 24 minutes I’ve ever experienced.

I’m not usually one to tear up at every chick flick that someone tricks me into watching, so I never really expected I’d ever catch myself crying to an anime, but this immensely beautiful piece of modern art proved me wrong. The power of the loneliness I felt in the characters was so strong that I actually felt sad enough to cry for them. This short movie that started Makoto Shinkai’s prospering anime career is well deserving of my praise. I was seriously awestruck after watching this. I had a few episodes of other shows after this in my media player playlist, but after this ended I had to pause for a few minutes just to pull myself back to reality from the intense emotions it invoked.

The view from the Comicon floor is spectacular indeed.

I’ve got a treat for you readers today! A friend of mine was lucky enough to attend the last Comicon in San Diego and she was nice enough to write a little summary of it to post on the site. I’m green with envy–the pictures make me really wish I could’ve been there. Maybe I’ll have the time and the money when the next one comes around. I certainly plan on trying to get into TGS as soon as finances permit. Major conventions like that are a goldmine of cool stuff no one knows about yet.

November Stats – Month #3

It’s Month #3 already! I’ve really got to get more posts happening! I apologize for the relative inactivity lately, I have been very busy, but I promise you I have lots of things to blog about in the coming weeks. I have been finding it somewhat difficult to find things to talk about that I deem truly worthy of actually being blogged about. I like quality over quantity, but I’m wondering what sort of middle ground there is on it. I don’t want to be posting once or twice a month, but I also don’t want to be posting about things that are already fairly known or things that aren’t really that interesting. I think a poll is in order! Anyway, this month was better than last month, but not by much. I have noticed that the visits have stabilized somewhat compared to previous months that were all over the chart. That peak at the end is from my recent post about Revenant Wings, which is rapidly catching up with the all time top posts despite being so recent. It was on the front page of Reddit’s gaming section for an entire day!

Sin & Punishment – Treasure struck gold with this Virtual Console release.

I was totally blown away by this fantastic game! It’s got style, it’s got gameplay and it’s got some actual challenge to it. It’s not hard, so much as it makes you actually think about what you are doing. It’s not just a point and shoot action game, you have to think about how you can most effectively stop your enemies form stopping you first. Once you figure out what you need to do, it’s just a matter of doing it, unlike many modern shooters that seem to be more based on luck than actual thought and skill. You feel a much greater sense of accomplishment when you figure out how to beat a boss in this than you do in other games when you finally manage to live long enough to fill the bosses with enough bullets to drop a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

My 360 has returned! Rejoice!

Just now my Xbox 360 arrive in the mail from it’s quick trip to the repair center after my bazillionth RRoD since I bought the thing. >.>

…and by ‘quick’ I mean ‘did Microsoft buy out the Aperture Science labs? Because that was bloody fast compared to last time.’

Revenant Wings – Portable roleplaying done right!

I picked up Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings when it came out and man was I ever surprised by this game! I’ve come to expect pretty much everything with the Final Fantasy name attached to it to be an instant classic, but even so, I still felt some skepticism of a roleplaying game on a handheld. Good handheld RPGs just plain don’t exist–or so I thought until I plugged this little plastic cartridge full of win into my DS.

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