Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi – I laughed until I couldn’t breathe.

Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is one of the most random shows I have ever seen. It follows the Excel Saga concept where each episode takes place in it’s own unique world, but this is a much funnier show, in my opinion. This just goes to show that Gainax knows how to make good comedy. Directed by Hiroyuki Yamaga, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is the story of Sasshi and Arumi; neighbors and childhood friends who are soon to be separated when Arumi moves with her family to Hokkaido.

The two friends live normal lives in the commercial district of Osaka, Japan known as Abenobashi when Arumi’s grandfather falls off the roof of his shop in Abenobashi. The trauma induced on the two who were present at the event, caused Sasshi’s mind to create an entirely new world from his imaginings relating to his Otaku interests and making the two completely wipe the traumatic memory from their minds. Over and over they try to jump back to their own world, but each time a new wacky hobby inspired world is created.

F***ing greatest f***ing scene in any f***ing anime f***ing ever, f***er.

Their attempt to get back to reality sends Sasshi gallivanting across a series of nonsensical worlds built on science fiction, war, fantasy, dating sims and classic movies–though Arumi isn’t so much party to said gallivanting. Each world is totally different but takes place in the same location–Abenobashi Shopping Arcade with all the same people, though with different personalities and relations. At first the only thing keeping them from returning to their own world is Sasshi’s Otaku interest and immaturity making him not want to return. But later Sasshi comes to the realization that Arumi’s grandfather has died and that adds to the pressure keeping him from returning to the real world. He tries to keep this a secret from Arumi because he doesn’t want her to be sad, but as he jumps from world to world he learns that it’s better to just accept the bad with the good than to try and live in his own world away from reality.

Kancho in an anime! It’s the first time I’ve actually seen it rather than just read about it.

Even the English outtakes are hilarious, have a look at the video at the bottom.

If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious shit.

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