Archive for October 17th, 2007

Nerd Culture v2.0 – A whole new look!

I really started to dislike some aspects of the former layout, so I decided Nerd Culture needed an upgrade. I like this one much more than the last one, it should do great for awhile yet. If anyone has any thoughts or opinions on the new layout feel free to leave a comment. I’m always open on ideas for new features or designs.

Seto No Hanayome – Absurd and hilarious, an excellent comedy!

Gonzo has once again brought us a truly epic comedy with their new series, Seto No Hanayome. So far I’ve watched the first 5 episodes and it’s definitely the best show currently on my watch list. It’s a very absurd, slapstick comedy, giving it a fast-pace that just about anyone can enjoy. You certainly won’t be bored watching this piece of comedy gold!

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