ef: a tale of memories – A great eroge conversion.

I’m really loving the art so far. Color is good.

Directed by Shin Onuma, ef is a recent anime conversion of an eroge game know as ef: a fairy tale of the two. So far the Prologue and first 2 episodes have looked quite promising. This show is definitely on my watch list, Shaft did quite well on the art for this–everything is very vivid and colorful. The character designs are very well done and unique looking, with interesting personalities to match their interesting appearances. The story hasn’t gotten rolling too much yet, but what I’ve seen of it has been quite good, albeit not really anything new for the genre.

Hirono Hiro is the main character; he is a poor high school student who secretly draws shoujo manga in his spare time to earn money. The story begins on a cold Christmas Eve where, after meeting a very strange woman in church, his bike gets stolen by another strange girl. He chases after her to later find her collapsed on the street. This girl, Miyamura Miyako, had her bag got stolen by a man on a motorbike. A while after they find out they go to the same school, though it took them such a long time to notice because both of them rarely actually go to school. Hiro is always too busy drawing manga or sleeping because he was drawing manga too late and Miyako skips class regularly too.

That’s all I’ve figured out so far, but it looks to me like there is 2 parallel storylines between 2 pairs of characters, perhaps their involvement in each other will bring their storylines together. We’ll just have to wait and see. For now, enjoy the Prologue.


Buy EF stuff now at Play-Asia.

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