September Stats – Month #1

Not too shabby for only being online for a month.

It’s been one month since Nerd Culture went online and I’ve been quite happy with the response so far! The site has had 599 visits and 1231 pageviews since the night of September 11th when the site went online. I’m looking forward to seeing what this site grows into! Maybe one day I’ll even rival Danny Choo for traffic. ;)

Top 5 Posts:

Dark_AleX is back with a custom 3.71 FW!
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann wins so hard.
Splogged in under a month! :O
Bioshock – Creepy, Gruesome, Art Deco?
Monkey Majik – Canadian JPop?

Top 5 Referers:

PSP Blender Blog <– Sorry, I don’t give backlinks to sploggers.
Danny Choo
PSP Slim Hacks

You may have noticed the ads changing quite a bit lately in the advertisement section of the side bar. I don’t really like having lots of ads making the page much longer than it needs to be. I started putting specific Affiliate links at the bottom of each post that I can paste one on, I find that’s less intrusive than a big ugly banner, and the traffic they are getting seems to be better. I also moved the Google Ads to be below the first few posts in the homepage and before the comment box on post pages–they will probably be easier to see there and won’t make the sidebar ridiculously long like before. If you’ve got any comments or ideas on how I can improve my site please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me.

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  • Akiraman

    Nice stats report there. you have some interesting content, only way to improve is to keep writing and often improve work-flows.

  • Stephen Belanger

    The only problem I’ve had lately is keeping up with all the stuff I want to talk about because of other obligations like work. To be honest, a good portion of my posts are filler because I don’t always have something more current to talk about–I do make sure it’s at least interesting filler though.

    The Panzer Dragoon post for example; I couldn’t really think of what to write about at the time but I want to try and have a post every day, so I just looked around my room until I found something that might be interesting to talk about.

    Personally I’d rather read interesting filler than boring news any day. ;)

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