Archive for October, 2007

Golden Age Collectables – Otaku Paradise

In the heart of downtown Vancouver, right on Granville St. you can find the Nerd Nirvana known as Golden Age Collectables. These guys carry more manga, anime, graphics novels and figures than you’d ever care to know existed. When I was in Vancouver on business recently I picked up a copy of NextWave here and blogged about how awesome it is. This place is jam-packed full of awesomeness of such magnitude as NextWave. They also had probably everything Neil Gaiman has ever written, including more obscure stuff like the edition of Sandman with art from Yoshitaka Amano. For those that don’t know; Mr. Amano was the concept artist for all the Final Fantasy games up until X. His brilliant artistry and unique style is well known in Otakudom.

Serenity – Better than Star Wars?

Step aside Star Wars, sci-fi has a new King. This epic masterpiece from acclaimed television director, Joss Whedon, is brimming with style and attitude. A six-gun western attitude in a futuristic dystopia make this movie finale to the unfortunately failed TV show, Firefly, an extremely enjoyable adventure into rogue space. Firefly could’ve breathed some life back into the presently stagnant science fiction genre, but the show was cut before it even got a chance to build a fan base. Fox apparently felt that repeats of Star Trek were more important.

Haruhi Suzumiya – A fickle God.

For those that haven’t yet seen it, The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya is a really great show about a girl named Haruhi who seems to unknowingly have the power of God. She can do absolutely anything, however; her normal human common sense keeps her from actually doing things that, to a normal human, would be impossible. This is the only thing stopping the world from plunging into utter chaos. You see Haruhi is the type of person that is easily bored by everyday things. On her first day at her new school she introduces herself saying that she doesn’t want to talk to anyone that isn’t an alien, time traveller or esper. Because of her desire to see these strange things she has actually created these things in the guise of regular humans and forms them into a school club she refers to as the SOS Brigade. She, however; has no knowledge of what they are and they try hard to keep it that way, but the problem is that if Haruhi becomes bored the world will be consumed by darkness and Haruhi will create an entirely new world, destroying everything that remained of the current world. This is obviously a really bad thing, so they try as hard as they can to keep her entertained without actually revealing the existence of such things as aliens, time travellers and espers. If she were to encounter such things the universe would be rewritten because of her changed understanding of the world.

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