Haikus are easy.

Haikus are easy, But sometimes they don’t make any sense, Refrigerator


Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense

Seleria over at Scrumptious wrote a post about a hilarious shirt on Threadless that I really wish there was a Japanese version of–pic very related.

What kind of Nerd Culture related things would you like to see on a T-Shirt?

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  • http://scrumptious.animeblogger.net/ Seleria

    Thanks for featuring our translation of the original slogan. Maybe, we should start printing these shirts for the Japanese and the Japanophile market XD

  • http://www.nerdculture.org Stephen Belanger

    I’d buy it. ^_^

  • Rolf Nelson

    Glad to see that you enjoy my slogan so much as to translate it.

  • Winton

    You should take out the “A!” and the last letter “da”

  • http://www.nerdculture.org Stephen Belanger

    But then it wouldn’t be a haiku.

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